Am I lost?

Image Credit *henriquefrazao

I really shouldn’t compare myself to my peers, but when I see what some of them are doing, wow, I feel incompetent! They are out there conquering the world, taking things head on, proving themselves and studying to achieve their goals, yet I feel so inadequate in my approach to my goals and how i do things! All I can really notice is how lop-sided my tank-top gets and hoping that eating daal for dinner is a healthy option. Rather than paint my imagination on the easel that rests next to my desk, or throw myself into the world of literature that is so easily available to me. I sit here. On my desk. Watching chick flicks to bollywood movies that do nothing but feed my love for mint chocolate cake that I baked for my brothers birthday or notice that I’m gaining those inches around my waist, much to the amusement and annoyance of my family. I havn’t made head-way on my multiple reading lists or my interest in pursuing kick boxing. I have an interest in the martial arts that I credit to my childhood love of Dragon Ball Z. I’m pretty sure that for the rest of my life, I will somehow want to practice some form of violent-yet-safe-aggressive activity. Like Tai Chi. I really wanna learn Tai Chi one day. Feeling energy flow is so awesome. Like yoga! I should really get back to finding a cool place to take hot yoga, since I like it. Hmm. Summer is almost over (NOOOOOOO 😦 nahiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii) and I spent the first half moving and the second half in stress over what to do beyond graduation, reading mangas and watch movies, and how I am not in the least concerned about my university experience. I have yet to feel like I’m not a child, even though I’m not a child. Que the Britney Spears song. Am I having a.d.d. in this post?

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